Energy distribution will cost more in Wallonia

Increase in distribution rates ©IPM Graphics

If Cwape has validated the annual budgets of Ores, for the entire period 2025-2029, we only know the electricity distribution tariff for the year 2025. How to explain this? A vast reform of electricity distribution tariffs will come into force on January 1, 2026, in Wallonia. Via a new optional system, consumers will be able to access more attractive distribution rates at certain times: from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the day, and from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. during the night. Enough to encourage the recharging of electric cars at these times. Due to the introduction of this reform, we will later know the application distribution prices from 2026.

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What about gas? At Ores, the gas distribution rate today stands at 397 euros per year, for average consumption (17,000 kWh). Next year, this average price will increase to 455 euros (+ 15%), before soaring to 547 euros (+ 38%) in 2029. However, the Ores budget, for gas distribution, will increase in significantly smaller proportions, of the order of 10%, between 2024 and 2029. How, then, can we explain the surge in gas distribution prices?

Ores anticipates a reduction in gas consumption by 2029. As network maintenance will not cost less, the cost will be spread over lower consumption, which increases the price per kWh of gas distributed. Note that the increase in the gas distribution tariff, mentioned above, takes into account average consumption which remains the same, despite the expected reduction in demand.

Resa also increases its prices

What about Resa, the distribution network manager in the Liège region?

While in 2024 a Resa customer pays, on average, 298 euros per year for electricity distribution, this amount will increase to 313 euros next year (+ 5%). At Resa, the gas distribution rate today stands at 435 euros per year, for average consumption (17,000 kWh). Next year, this average price will increase to 483 euros (+ 11%).

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Gil Simon, the general director of Resa, and Fernand Grifnée, the boss of Ores, gave some explanations on the increase in energy distribution prices.

Thus, both Ores and Resa are affected by the rise in electricity prices, since they have to buy electricity to cover losses on their electricity network. “Resa is the largest buyer of electricity in the Province of Liège.comments Gil Simon. The two DSOs have also been affected by the inflation of wages and materials as well as the increase in subcontractor costs… In addition, the energy transition involves massive investments, with a view to digitalizing and strengthening the electricity network. The problem of disconnections of photovoltaic panel inverters illustrates the fact that a modernization of the electricity network is necessary.

The gas network soon to be “unpayable”?

Furthermore, Gil Simon is very worried about the expected reduction in natural gas consumption. Indeed, current rules provide that the cost of maintaining the gas network is shared between customers (households and businesses), in proportion to their consumption. According to Gil Simon, there is therefore a risk that the network will become “impayable”given that its cost will be spread over increasingly lower consumption. Which risks penalizing “people who do not have the means to get out of gas”, to invest in a heat pump, alerts the director of Resa. Unless the gas network is financed in a different way in the future.

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For his part, Fernand Grifnée believes that Wallonia should not make the “bullshit” to exit natural gas too quickly. According to him, “the networks will not hold”, if we switch to a fully electrified heating system (Editor’s note: via heat pumps). He therefore wants natural gas to still be used, while waiting for the arrival of low-carbon gas and hydrogen. However, according to Murielle Coheur, director of regulatory affairs at Resa, biogas will never fully replace the volumes lost in natural gas. Which would be a big blow for the value of gas networks and their owners.



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