No inflation last month in Luxembourg, on the contrary the cost of living fell by -0.5%. Enough to play a little more with the nerves of those who are waiting for the general increase in salaries and pensions!
Happy are the majority of employees in Belgium: on January 1, 2025, the index awaits them. For private sector employees, civil servants and pensioners in Luxembourg, it will undoubtedly be necessary wait a few months. Statec estimated the measure would be triggered at the start of the 1st quarter, December 20 il will refine its forecast. A promise made after the observation that the 11th month of the year ended with a decline in prices in the Grand Duchy.
And if the “housewife’s basket” was thus less expensive, it is firstly due to the drop in gas prices city. In one month he lost – 7,2%. Among the decreases in November, analysts also highlight the ????️– 1.2% for gasoline (this while the diesel a increased by ⛽+ 1%). This while filling his vat with heating oil returns to ????0.3% more.
Last month, it was especially travel enthusiasts who were spoiled. The price of plane tickets a fall on average ????– 14,5 % and vacation stays of ????️-12,6%…
Overall, purchases at food department also saw their bill reduce, by a small -0,5%. The most notable reductions, since October, concerning spirits and liqueurs (????- 5,7 %), mineral waters (????- 2,1%), potatoes (????- 2,8%), riz (????-3,3 %) or the meat of poultry (????- 1,3 %).
Families were also able to appreciate the drop of ????????-3.2% affecting the prices charged in nurseries et relay houses.
-The fact remains that certain products have not experienced this deflationary trend. This is, for example, the case both for garage costs (????????+ 0.5%) than telephone services (????+ 2.2%) and more ladies shoes (????+ 4.7%) or bicycles (????+3.6%). Even in concessions automobilespurchase prices tended to inflate slightly, ????+ 0.5%.
On the food side too, increases have come to concern frozen fish (????+ 2,9%), baby food (????+ 3.1%) but also pasta food et couscous (????+ 2,6%).
Over a yearStatec considers that theinflation will have been +1%. And as the cost of living has seriously slowed down, the index will therefore have to wait a little longer. It’s not Christmas every day!
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