“The French responded”: Jamy Gourmaud reveals at what age we become old!

“The French responded”: Jamy Gourmaud reveals at what age we become old!
“The French responded”: Jamy Gourmaud reveals at what age we become old!

This is a good question: at what age do we become old? And to answer it, you can count on the expert in popular science, I named Jamy Gourmaud. Revealed 31 years ago, at the helm of It's not rocket sciencefrom 1993 and 2004, alongside Frédéric Courant known as Fred, the 60-year-old journalist knew how to reinvent himself. This year, he is celebrating the 4th anniversary of his channel Épicurieuxwhich has a community of 10M subscribers on the networks. In September, the man published an almanac that was very useful for the whole family: 365 new days with Jamy – 100% new edition, the cult book for the curious. The opportunity to discover answers to all the questions we ask ourselves, and even those we wouldn't have thought of. And among them, the famous question: at what age do we become old? Do you have an idea? Well Jamy Gourmaud has the answer, the one given by the majority of French people.

Because this question is far from obvious. So much so that in his almanac, the former sidekick of Frédéric Courant specifies that INSEE even “gave up answering“. On the other hand, we can go back to 2019 to discover the result of a survey on the subject. “Consulted by survey in 2019, the French responded: at 69 years old. But the real frontier of old age arises, according to them, when health deteriorates and there is a loss of autonomy, mobility or memory.specifies Jamy Gourmaud. The star of popular science would therefore have 9 years left before feeling old. It's hard to believe it. And then, this is just a survey, let's remember that there are plenty of ways to continue feeling young for as long as possible. We can thus focus on sport or even food, and social connections, a very important vector in well-being.

A diet to stay young longer

Thus, beyond the perceived age, another specialist who is making noise on social networks, Jimmy Mohamed, had made a major revelation on life expectancy. The one who established himself as one of the most famous doctors in the French audiovisual landscape mentioned in his work Zero constraints to stay young (ed. Flammarion), a miracle diet regarding life expectancy. “I can hope to gain thirteen years of life expectancy“, Jimmy Mohamed said. This is the famous Mediterranean type diet – also called Cretan dietwho does not lack praise. In his book 365 new days with Jamy – 100% new edition, the cult book for the curiousJamy Gourmaud also sells its many benefits. “People who adopt it live longer and healthier! The secret? Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes in abundance… not forgetting olive oil. Among Mediterranean populations, we actually observe a lower risk of cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and obesity. As well as a reduction in mortality from all causes. It's good, and what's more, it feels good…“, he explains on the subject.



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