What is the weather expected in La Flèche and its surrounding areas on Tuesday, December 3, 2024?

What is the weather expected in La Flèche and its surrounding areas on Tuesday, December 3, 2024?
What is the weather expected in La Flèche and its surrounding areas on Tuesday, December 3, 2024?

When you wake up, the sky will be overcast in La Flèche this Tuesday, December 3, 2024, and the air temperature will be higher than yesterday. The wind force will be 15 km/h at dawn, and will diminish quickly towards the end of the morning until it stops completely. It will blow from the South-West, before drifting to the West around 10 a.m. At 7 a.m., the thermometer will show 2°C, and will gradually rise throughout the morning to reach 6°C.

During the second half of the day, the mercury will continue to rise around 3 p.m. to reach 9°C, then drop to 6°C in the early evening. The weather will be mostly clear. The wind will gradually pick up between noon and 4 p.m. to around 10 km/h, then suddenly die down until stopping completely around early evening. Its orientation will be unstable during this interval.

The wind will vary around 5 km/h during the evening, while the mercury will gradually drop between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. to reach 1°C. The wind direction will be changing during this time period. The weather will be mostly cloudy.

Tonight the sky will still be overcast. The thermometer will remain constant at 1°C. The wind force will still oscillate around 5 km/h, and its direction will be inconsistent.

Tomorrow, temperatures will be similar to today: rising to 4°C on average, their maximum of 5°C will be reached around 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. The sky will be generally overcast, but no bad weather is expected.

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