This gas is contained in small cartridges which were originally used to make whipped creambut its use has been largely diverted and the “proto” is now consumed in plastic balloons. The canisters are even today so oversized that they are called: tanks !
“How long are we going to let this happen?”takes offense at Jean Yves Sayag, the deputy responsible for cleanliness at the Metropolis.“These canisters can be obtained very easily on the internet,” reminds the chosen one, “or even in a simple neighborhood grocery store.”
“When you are gassed you feel good, you are relaxed” – a 17 year old who consumes nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide, which is obviously not harmless, can cause serious neurological disorders and loss of consciousness due to its flash effect. Doctor Michael Bazin, head of the addictology department at Allauch hospital confirms: *”it** is the addictogenic product par excellence, namely that*it goes up very quickly and comes down just as quickly, hence the need to start again.”
An addictive trend confirmed by a young consumer of nitrous oxide, met in front of the Thiers high school in Marseille (1st): “when you start to take a ball, you want to take another ball, then another“.
“In my department, some patients consume up to 400 canisters of nitrous oxide” – Doctor Michael Bazin, head of the addiction department in Allauch
In certain neighborhoods where consumers like to gather to consume nitrous oxide, it became helllike at La Parade, in the 13th arrondissement, where the excesses linked to this so-called “hilarious” gas make the lives of local residents very complicated. THE local residents denounce the inertia of the authorities and in particular the passivity of the police.
In France, since 2021, nitrous oxide has been banned for sale to minors.