DIRECT. Follow the meeting between and in Nationale 2

DIRECT. Follow the meeting between and in Nationale 2
DIRECT. Follow the meeting between Niort and Anglet in Nationale 2

The first half

> 9-8. First penalty missed! Pulon tried just past the central line. This time, it's too short for . Second missed kick after the transformation.

> 9-8. Anglet makes multiple mistakes. Blessed bread for Anthony Fuertes who scores a new penalty (19e). Three out of three for the fly half.

> 6-8. Amazing. After losing the ball in the opposing 22 meters, Pulon made an 80-meter race to flatten. He was faster than everyone. On the transformation, number 15 finds the post (15e).

> 6-3. For this meeting, Guillaume Cazes wears number 28 and Michael Kumbirai number 27 on the Niortais side.

> 6-3. Again on penalty, number 10 allows his team to go ahead (9e).

> 3-3. Very quickly, the former Top 14 player Fuertes equalized (6e).

> 0-3. More than 45 meters from the posts, Pulon attempts the penalty and converts it (4e).

Before match

> The starting compositions.. Bougerol, Gimenez, Kumbirai – Van Leeuwen, Baudin (c) – Goufan, Nieto, Alligner – Alcacebe (m), Fuertes (o) – Marsan, Tutuila, Sanchez, Terrasson – Cazes. Finishers: Chabeaudie, Erasmus, Tixier, Traodec, Duprat, Buch, Himmer, Aouadi.
Anglet. Bresolin, Lascube, Eloff – Foures Duffaut, Richard – Lahlhe, Labadie (c), Leconte – Coy (m), Curutchet (o) – André, Chabat, Tsouladze, Layan – Pulon. Finishers: Rozars, Biscioni, Grégoire, Mansieux, Jully, Le Gall, Rourre, Bywalski.

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> Two international returns. Chris Van Leeuwen and Raphaël Nieto return to the group. The two Niortais were selected. The first with the Netherlands, the second with Spain.

> Maintain your leadership position. Facing Anglet, Niort RC wants to stay in the lead. “It’s very motivating to keep this leadership position all year long. It’s something we want to defend, by remaining undefeated at home,” said Benjamin Alcacebe before the match.

> A large and competitive workforce. Since the start of the season, apart from the injured, coach Johann Authier has used all the players available. “We had turnover without the team losing momentum. It gives us a headache to make the compositions but it also gives us options depending on the quality of each one. »



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