Let's remember the essentials. Emmanuel Macron has ruined the country and delegates the purge to the government of Michel Barnier. In his initial budget proposal, the Prime Minister failed to keep his promises not to raise taxes, to tackle poor government spending and to revive growth. Increase in electricity taxes, increase in the French contribution to the European Union budget, increase in spending on free care reserved for illegal immigrants (via state medical aid), increase in labor costs, etc. In its initial proposal, the government budget could not be voted on. In its version resulting from the debates and parliamentary work, it could not be voted on either, because the far-left deputies increased by amendment taxes by tens of billions of euros at the expense of the French and VSE-SMEs: tax on water bottles, tax on elevators, tax on fishermen's fuel, tax on tourist water, tax on life insurance, etc…. Faced with this fiscal madness of extreme left, Macronie and the LR of Laurent Wauquiez have deserted parliamentary work. The French can count on the RN deputies: through our massive presence, only the RN has blocked part of the extreme left's crazy taxes. Only the RN obtained political victories (against the increase in electricity taxes, the French contribution to the EU budget, etc.). Only the RN presented a coherent counter-budget leading to savings on administrative millefeuille, immigration, tax and social fraud, and giving the French their money back.
As we always said, we remain free to censor the government if its decisions worsen the security, migration and social situation in the country. By wanting to focus all efforts on working France, on the most precarious retirees and on our businesses, the government is taking the path of censorship. The ball is in his court: he must hear the demands of our voters to avoid censorship.