Towards a significant increase in the price of bottled water?

Towards a significant increase in the price of bottled water?
Towards a significant increase in the price of bottled water?

The Senate voted on the night of Wednesday to Thursday to increase VAT on bottled water, a measure intended to encourage consumers to favor tap water against a backdrop of scandal over the practices of mineral water manufacturers. . The upper house voted by show of hands for this measure in the draft budget for 2025, against the advice of the government.

“In a context where the question of the management of natural resources, corporate responsibility and ecological issues are really at the heart of the debates, it has become necessary to rethink this tax policy,” launched the socialist Hervé Gillé, assuming to defend this measure “in view of the concerns raised by the Nestlé Waters scandal”. The subsidiary of the Swiss agri-food giant admitted in January to having used prohibited disinfection systems to maintain the “food safety” of its mineral waters.

Also read Budget 2025: the shocking proposals of five senators

Revelations, relayed by the press, which shined the spotlight on the practices of industrialists in the sector, leading in particular the Senate to launch a commission of inquiry on the subject at the beginning of autumn, aimed in particular at investigating the use prohibited filtration processes.

End of the reduced VAT rate

The amendment voted by the Senate, carried by Macronist senator Nadège Havet, proposes to eliminate the reduced VAT rate on bottled water…

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