Motorway tolls will increase on average by 0.92% in 2025, a moderate increase compared to previous years, and lower than inflation estimated at 1.5% by the Banque de France. The information was confirmed by a source close to the matter and by the entourage of the Minister for Transport, François Durovray.
The increase, lower than those of 2018 and 2019, before the health crisis and energy tensions linked to the war in Ukraine, was presented as an effort to preserve the purchasing power of the French.
A “battle” for the purchasing power of the French
“This decision is the result of a real battle that the minister waged to defend the purchasing power of the French, as he knows the daily weight that mobility represents in the household budget,” underlined François' entourage Durovray. For comparison, increases had reached 4.75% in 2023 and around 3% in 2024, mainly due to inflation.
François Durovray recently expressed his desire to “reinvent the model” of motorways when current concessions expire, scheduled between 2031 and 2036. A conference dedicated to the financing of mobility, scheduled for early 2025, will also address the future of road management. highway network.
Shorten the duration of contracts
A senatorial report submitted in October by Hervé Maurey, centrist senator from Eure, suggests maintaining tolls at the end of concessions while reforming the model. It recommends in particular shortening the duration of contracts and reducing the number of kilometers managed by each dealership to limit the concentration of the market between a few large players.
According to this report, part of the revenue generated by tolls could be reallocated to the maintenance of national roads, often degraded, unconcessioned motorways, and the development of the rail network.