Exceptional renewal extended to 3 months: yes, but for which specialties?

Exceptional renewal extended to 3 months: yes, but for which specialties?
Exceptional renewal extended to 3 months: yes, but for which specialties?

Since November 29, pharmacists have been authorized to exceptionally renew expired prescriptions for chronic treatments of up to 3 months. The measure concerns medicines and includes medical devices. But which ones?

The delivery of medicines from an expired prescription by exceptional procedure is extended to 3 months, instead of one additional box per line. The measure now includes medical devices: self-monitoring blood sugar equipment for example but “it goes even further, it also concerns rental beds, oxygen therapy…”rejoices Pierre-Olivier Variot, president of the Union of Community Pharmacists’ Unions (USPO). Products meeting a prior agreement can also be renewed according to this exceptional procedure.

In practice, this exceptional procedure concerns prescriptions for treatment of at least 3 months, for medicines which do not fall on a negative list, and the first delivery takes place in the month following the expiry of the prescription.

“The only problem is that there should have been a negative list of medications and we don't have it. So we are in a limbo,” continues Pierre-Olivier Variot, who requested details from the general directorate of health.

In the meantime, the “common sense” wants the drugs excluded from the previous system to still be excluded today: narcotic drugs and similar drugs, and psychotropic drugs or drugs likely to be used for their psychoactive effect whose duration is limited. To which we can add drugs for special dispensation requiring monitoring every month such as clozapine for which the blood count (NFS) must be carried out every month “and the pharmacist cannot prescribe biological tests”, adds the president of the USPO.

“The measure affects medicines already affected by exceptional renewal”, simplifies for his part Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of (FSPF).

At the counter, the pharmacist delivers the most economical packaging compatible with the exceptional dispensation for a period of one month, enters on the prescription for each of the medications dispensed the number of boxes delivered followed by the mention “exceptional additional dispensation” and in informs the doctor by secure messaging.

“We asked for a tracer code and a somewhat standardized procedure,” adds Philippe Besset.

The two unions agree on one point: they will request remuneration from health insurance for this task. “ There is an additional responsibility for the pharmacist,” justifies Philippe Besset.



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