In the front row, the family of Victorine Dartois stands, very dignified, united in mourning and sorrow. There are the parents, Sylvie and James, the sisters, Perrine and Romane and Rémy, the big brother. When Ludovic Bertin enters his accused box, everyone stares intently at the one who admitted to having killed the girl on September 26, 2020 in Villefontaine. He, throughout the day, will always avoid their gazes. Ludovic Bertin, gray polo shirt and shaved hair, is much more frail, more emaciated, than on the photos he posted of himself on social networksfour years ago.
When the president reads the indictment order, he remains impassive while Victorine’s mother grimaces with grief to hold back her tears, listening to the magistrate recount the ordeal of her daughter, who “saw herself die” according to the family’s lawyer. Painful reading, in heavy silence.
Once the Assize Court is constituted (six jurors and four additional jurors, five women and five men), the clerk calls the witnesses. Then the president questions the accused. Ludovic Bertin explains that he was mistreated by his mother and was not recognized by his father, who died when he was nine years old. He has five half-siblings. He recounts a chaotic schooling. Ludovic Bertin also admits to being addicted to alcohol and cocaine. He is married and has a son, now five years old. His wife explains that both were “big mouths” and could fight. She also says he was a good father but a fickle husband.
After an initial suspension of the hearing, the personality investigator takes the stand. He explains that Ludovic Bertin was the manager of a transport company. But he did not pay himself a salary, according to the personality investigator. How could he then afford his daily drugs, asks the president? The investigator doesn’t know. Before the end of the day and the last recess, the president asks the accused if he has anything to say. He stands up and recites this sentence, as if he had rehearsed it with his lawyer: “I am happy that the judgment can begin, so that I can give as many explanations as possible to the Dartois family. Even if I am aware that everything I say will not repair what I did.”
Understanding the Victorine Dartois affair