Donald Trump leads Biden by 4 points in new “NYT”/Siena poll

Donald Trump leads Biden by 4 points in new “NYT”/Siena poll
Donald Trump leads Biden by 4 points in new “NYT”/Siena poll

Former US President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by four percentage points ahead of the first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign, which will see the two candidates face off tonight in Georgia. This is what emerges from the latest approval survey of the newspaper “New York Times” and Siena College, published yesterday.

The poll attributes a significant increase in votes to Trump, despite the condemnation he received in New York late last month. Last April, the “New York Times” poll had in fact photographed a situation of substantial parity of consensus between Biden and Trump at the national level. The latest poll gives the Republican candidate the support of 48% of likely voters, compared to 44% for Biden. The survey also highlights widespread dissatisfaction among the American electorate with the profile of the leading candidates for the White House: 68 percent of respondents said the Democratic Party should have chosen a candidate other than Biden, and 54 percent expressed the same opinion regarding Atout. 79 percent of those surveyed say they will watch the debate between the two candidates scheduled for tonight.

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