Bruno Le Maire judges the RN and LFI “as harmful as each other” in terms of the economy

Bruno Le Maire judges the RN and LFI “as harmful as each other” in terms of the economy
Bruno Le Maire judges the RN and LFI “as harmful as each other” in terms of the economy

The Minister of the Economy criticized on BFMTV this Wednesday, June 26, the programs of the National Rally and the New Popular Front for the legislative elections.

“The future of France is at stake.” Guest on BFMTV, the Minister of the Economy declared this Wednesday June 26 that he did not want “in seven days to destroy the work of seven years”, mentioning his record within the government and targeting the National Rally and the New Front popular.

“The common points of the programs of the two extremes is to work less to earn more, it is to renounce work and the power of work, it is to destroy the nation of production that we were in the process of recreating with the majority” , assured Bruno Le Maire on our antenna.

“Straight into the wall”

Asked a little later about the far-right party, favorite in the polls four days before the legislative elections, and La France insoumise, member of the New Popular Front, warned of the “immense illusion” of their projects.

“Both, from an economic and financial point of view, which are my area of ​​expertise, send France straight into the wall and are as harmful as each other for France quite simply because they do not deal with the real issues French,” he commented.

The minister who is not running in the legislative elections, however, qualified: “I am not putting an equal sign. I am not putting it at the same level because the story is not the same, but I am simply saying to our compatriots that in the functions that are mine: the economic and financial voice for your purchasing power that they offer you is an immense illusion that will disappoint you.”

According to him, we must “stop promising free everything, for everyone”. “Too much social kills social”, he criticized the program of the union of the left.

Concerning the National Rally, “everything they propose revolts me not only because it is bad for the French nation and above all because it is unfair”. Bruno Le Maire notably cited the project to reduce VAT on gasoline which “will cost billions of euros”.

The tenant of Bercy for more than seven years then chanted: “The real question is whether on July 7, we get back on track or we go off track.”

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