Every day, more than three women are victims of marital feminicide or attempted feminicide

Every day, more than three women are victims of marital feminicide or attempted feminicide
Every day, more than three women are victims of marital feminicide or attempted feminicide

In 2023, 115 domestic homicides were recorded by security forces – 93 of these victims were women and 22 men. Furthermore, 319 women were victims of attempted femicide within the couple, according to the annual report of the Interministerial Mission for the Protection of Women (Miprof) published Tuesday, November 19.

Every day in , more than three women are victims of marital feminicide or attempted marital feminicide, according to data from the interministerial mission for the protection of women (Miprof) published Tuesday and covering the year 2023.

Last year, 93 women were victims of feminicide, 319 victims of attempted feminicide and 773 victims of harassment by a spouse or ex-spouse leading to suicide or an attempt, i.e. 1,185 female victims in total, according to this annual report. .

A figure that does not take into account all feminicides

This is the first time that Miprof has included victims of “forced suicide” in its overall count, an offense entered into the penal code in 2020, a request made by feminist associations who called for a complete overview of violence against women.

In total, “this represents more than three women per day who are victims of direct feminicides or attempted feminicides, such as murders or assassinations, or indirect ones such as these suicides or attempted suicides”, underlined Julie Caillet, project manager at the National Observatory of Violence Against Women, which depends on Miprof.

“However, this figure only takes into account feminicides within couples and does not allow all feminicides to be taken into account,” she clarified during a conference presenting the report in . “But it is important to remember that feminicides are gender crimes which aim to directly or indirectly kill women and girls, precisely because they are women and girls, regardless of their relationship with the perpetrator.”

“This violence is upsetting”

In 2023, law enforcement recorded 3,405 offenses for sexist and sexual outrage, or 19% more than in 2022, we can also read in the report. And 230,000 adult women declared having been victims of sexual violence, the equivalent of the population of the city of . These women are between 18 and 24 years old in almost 60% of cases.

“This violence is upsetting, unacceptable and unspeakable, we will continue to mobilize, our fight must never end,” declared Minister of Health Geneviève Darrieussecq at the opening of the conference.

“We know how difficult it is for victims to ask for help, to speak but also how difficult it is to lend an ear,” declared Paul Christophe, Minister responsible for Equality between Women and men, in a video message broadcast on this occasion.

Insisting on the importance of actors on the ground, he estimated that “this fight does not tolerate a drop in [notre] attention”, a few days before the planned announcement of a new battle plan against violence against women.



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