The Olympic day relay met a large audience in Nort-sur-Erdre

The Olympic day relay met a large audience in Nort-sur-Erdre
The Olympic day relay met a large audience in Nort-sur-Erdre

Saturday June 22, the town of Nort-sur-Erdre hosted the Olympic day relay, coordinated by the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS). For the occasion, numerous activities were organized by the municipality and its partners around the lake.

The day started at 9:30 a.m., with an eco-hike entitled “Let’s clean up nature”, organized with the NAC Rando association. Six routes were proposed for collecting waste: two on the Erdre, by canoe, and four on foot, in the streets of the city.

55 kg of waste was collected

All morning, around twenty participants collected the waste, before regrouping to weigh together their loot, which amounted to 55 kg. This eco-hike allows different actors to work together. It is organized on the initiative of the Youth service with the NAC Rando, but the Sport service and the Urban Cleanliness service also contribute to its implementation » , notes Lydie Guéron.

All the people of Norte were able to meet at lunchtime to share a picnic on the banks of the Plan d’eau, where an entertainment village, with many sporting activities, opened its doors, from 1:30 p.m. at 17 o’clock. Visitors discovered various workshops on the environment, waste and evenupcycling (recycling which aims to give new life to materials or objects intended to be thrown away). The youngest were also able to learn about cycling. Another highlight in the village: a collaborative street art work. Different local sports clubs held stands, such as the future NAC athletics, currently being formed, which also organized an introduction to long jump.



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