What will the weather be like in Mamers and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?

What will the weather be like in Mamers and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Mamers and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?

When you wake up, the sky will be overcast in Mamers this Saturday, November 16, 2024, and the temperature will be cool. The thermometer will remain uniform at 7°C. The wind will vary around 10 km/h, and its direction will be variable.

The wind force will oscillate around 5 km/h throughout the second half of the day, and its direction will be unstable. The weather will still be overcast. The mercury will remain stable at 8°C.

During the evening, the wind will continue to increase between 8 p.m. and midnight until reaching approximately 15 km/h, while the mercury will drop to 4°C towards the start of the night. The wind will be from the South-West, then settle to the West around 11 p.m. The sky will still be overcast at the start of the evening, before clearing up a little around 10 p.m. and becoming more cloudy at the end of the evening.

The night will start with clear weather which will become cloudy around 1 a.m. and become completely cloudy towards the start of the night. The thermometer will remain constant at 4°C overnight. The wind strength will be between 15 and 20 km/h, and it will be from the southwest.

For tomorrow, the sky will be mostly overcast, however, no precipitation is expected. The air temperature will be usual for the season: it will be 7°C on average, with a maximum of 12°C reached from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

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