Vooruit says yes to federal negotiations: Arizona finally on track?

Vooruit says yes to federal negotiations: Arizona finally on track?
Vooruit says yes to federal negotiations: Arizona finally on track?

After maintaining the suspense once again, Conner Rousseau agrees to negotiate. “In difficult times, only socialists can ensure that efforts are fairly distributed,” he writes. Trainer Bart De Wever can finally begin the real work of forming a government.

There were positive signals on Thursday. But god, the suspense was complete, lasting another twenty-four hours. This Friday noon, Conner Rousseau, president of Vooruit, finally said “yes” to a federal negotiation to form an Arizona coalition with the N-VA, the MR, the Engagés and the CD&V.

This is an important breakthrough for trainer Bart De Weverwhose mission was extended by the palace until November 25.

“Only socialists…”

In difficult times, only socialists can ensure that efforts are fairly distributedwrites Conner Rousseau in a press release. In the new trainer's note, there are finally openings, including for a greater contribution from the greatest heritages. This is why we agree to join the discussion table. And we take our responsibilities. For all the ordinary citizens who count on us.”

Important openings

Conner Rousseau, who had left the table, had already returned with better intentions after reading an amended note from the trainer: “There are important openingshe said Thursday. I read that wider shoulders will contribute more, the index finger is maintained and the efforts distributed more equitably.” However, he left doubts: If these openings are real, we can get somewhere. If these overtures turn out to be false, we won’t make it.”

At the end of a meeting with the other party presidents, the Flemish Scoialist went to consult his troops. Who finally gave him the green light.

More than 150 days after the elections, real negotiations will finally be able to begin.



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