this electronic kerosene stove is on sale on Cdiscount

this electronic kerosene stove is on sale on Cdiscount
this electronic kerosene stove is on sale on Cdiscount

The Qlima electronic kerosene stove is a practical and economical solution for heating you this winter. It serves as additional heating to benefit from gentle and uniform heat throughout the room (up to an area of ​​48 m2). Effective even in the coldest weather, it helps create a warm and comfortable atmosphere for the whole family. This stove has an adjustable electrical power of 1,080 to 3,100 watts. It runs on oil and benefits from electronic ignition and operation. For those who are worried about fuel, know that it has advanced safety features, including a CO2 detector, an anti-tip system to shut off as soon as it falls, cold walls and an anti-overheating system. Take advantage of the Cdiscount good deal to grab this Qlima electronic kerosene stove for 229.99 euros instead of 249 euros!

Electronic kerosene stove at a reduced price on Cdiscount

Get a good deal by ordering this Qlima electronic kerosene stove at Cdiscount. In addition to warming you, it takes care of you and prevents you from getting sick from the cold. Its anti-odor system protects you from petroleum scents that could disrupt your daily life. You also have temperature regulation to prevent overheating and a frost protection function. As a bonus, a 4-year warranty comes with your order. In short, this electronic kerosene stove allows rapid and efficient heating of the entire room with precise temperature regulation, an anti-odor system and optimal security so you can use it with complete peace of mind. Order it quickly at Cdiscount!

Grab the Cdiscount offer here on the Qlima electronic kerosene stove

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