A rare scene took place last Friday during the CSBJ-Albi match, concluded with a Berjallian victory 22 to 17. At the 50e minute, while winger Paul Champ had just scored the second Isère try in the corner, scorer Nicolas Cachet made big signs towards his sidelines. Because the field assistant, usually the forwards coach Grégoire Pintiaux, was slow to appear at his side with the tee, for the transformation. And for good reason: the object that all scorers use for their kicks was nowhere to be found. A great moment of hesitation and agitation took place on the side of the Berjalli bench and, as the clock ticked down, Cachet was obliged to place his ball on the ground, along the touchline, and try as best he could. What a bad transformation, which he missed.
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In fact, his tee had been forgotten by the staff in the locker room at half-time and it was Olivier Terzago, one of the physiotherapists, who urgently went to get him after this episode. Fortunately, CSBJ did not need these two points to win the match and end a series of three defeats in a row.