Joe Biden wants to regularize hundreds of thousands of immigrants, the Trump camp protests

Joe Biden wants to regularize hundreds of thousands of immigrants, the Trump camp protests
Joe Biden wants to regularize hundreds of thousands of immigrants, the Trump camp protests

Four and a half months before the American presidential election, Joe Biden announced on Tuesday regularization measures which could benefit hundreds of thousands of people, and which were immediately condemned by supporters of his rival Donald Trump.

The regularization project provokes an outcry among the Republicans. Joe Biden announced, Tuesday June 18, measures to make it easier to obtain residence permits for spouses of American citizens who live in the United States without having valid papers, and to speed up visa procedures for young people. graduates, the White House said.

“We can both secure the border (with Mexico) and provide legal avenues for immigration,” the US president said. The 81-year-old Democrat took the opportunity to criticize his predecessor, accusing him of fueling the “fears” of Americans and considering it “scandalous” to say, as the 78-year-old Republican billionaire did, that migrants were “animals” that “poison the blood” of the country.

Donald Trump, campaigning in Wisconsin (north), assured him that if he was elected in November, this “illegal amnesty project (would) be torn up and thrown away from day one”, while his supporters claimed, the intention of irregular migrants, “Let’s fire them! Let’s fire them!”.

The American government will facilitate the issuance of permanent residence permits – the famous “green card” – and work permits to immigrant spouses of American citizens and their children.

With AFP

Read more on FRANCE 24

Also read:
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