What help can you get to pay your electricity and gas bills?

What help can you get to pay your electricity and gas bills?
What help can you get to pay your electricity and gas bills?

While nearly 30% of households report having been cold at home during the winter of 2024, RMC Conso takes stock of the assistance that could reduce your energy bills and allow you to heat yourself better.

A situation that is getting worse. The National Energy Mediator (MNE) affirms that around 30% of French people report having suffered from cold in their homes in 2024, compared to 26% in 2023 and 14% in 2020. 75% of them restrict their use of heating to avoid excessively high bills.

Several associations, including the Abbé Pierre Foundation, are sounding the alarm on the occasion of the national day against energy poverty which is being held this Tuesday, November 12.

But concretely, beyond the energy check, the amount of which is also insufficient according to the associations, is there assistance to pay your gas and electricity bills? RMC Conso explains.

• The housing solidarity fund (FSL)

This fund is managed by the departments and helps give a helping hand to households who are having difficulty paying their energy bills or their rent debts. This assistance is aimed at all tenant households in private or social housing, but also at owner-occupiers.

If you are in a precarious situation, contact the municipal social action center (CCAS) at your town hall or the social action center of the City of (CASVP) if you live in the capital. CAF beneficiaries must contact their reference fund.

• National associations

Several national associations, such as the Abbé Pierre Foundation or the Compagnons builders, but also local organizations, offer assistance to reduce energy poverty for people in difficulty.

This support takes the form of home visits to identify energy saving options or even financial help to pay electricity or gas bills.

• Pension funds

Some pension funds, such as Ircantec and Carsat, offer exceptional assistance in the event of difficulty paying your energy bills.

“Depending on your situation, your regional fund may exceptionally contribute to the payment of energy bills (gas, electricity, heating) of less than 3 months, concerning your main residence only,” explains Retirement Insurance.

This assistance is reserved for retirees whose living conditions, resources, age or state of health create a situation of fragility and difficulty in paying an energy bill following a “sudden, unusual difficulty and unpredictable. The application form is available online.

• Housing action

Action Logement, a structure which helps private sector employees find accommodation, offers “energy assistance” which aims to support tenants in the face of increases in the cost of energy. The latter is subject to eligibility conditions.

As Action Logement explains on its site, to benefit from it, tenants must meet the following conditions:

  • Have an increase in its provisions for charges, equal to or greater than 50 euros for the years 2022/2023/2024 or a regularization of charges for the years 2022/2023 of an amount equal to or greater than 500 euros.
  • Have a remaining living amount equal to or less than 25 euros per day and per person.
  • Be up to date with your rent and charges or, in the event of difficulty, have resumed payment, at least partially, of your rent.

• Aid offered by energy suppliers

Some suppliers, such as EDF and ENGIE, can offer payment facilities or payment schedules to their customers in difficulty. Do not hesitate to contact them to see what can be put in place in the event of financial difficulty for heating.



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