CNN reveals rules for first debate between Biden and Trump

CNN reveals rules for first debate between Biden and Trump
CNN reveals rules for first debate between Biden and Trump

It is a highly anticipated political-media event in the United States: the first debate between the two main rivals for the American presidency, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The face-to-face is scheduled for June 27, it is organized by the CNN channel which revealed this weekend the rules of this duel.

The duel of the main candidates in the American presidential election will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, in the southeast of UNITED STATES, at a much earlier date than usual. An hour and a half of debate without an audience and with microphones that can be deactivated to better enforce speaking times. These are the main rules established by the CNN channel, after consultation with the teams of Donald Trump and of Joe Biden.

It was Joe Biden who pleaded in favor of an exchange without an audience. Both candidates will be interviewed by journalists Jake Tapper and Dana Bash who, according to CNN, “ will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion “. “ Microphones will be muted for the duration of the debate, except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak », Specifies the channel.

CNN is clearly trying to learn lessons from the confrontations four years ago which partially turned into chaos with numerous interruptions and personal attacks.

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