Crisis at LR, New Popular Front… We rewatch with you the political saga of the week live on Twitch – Libération

Crisis at LR, New Popular Front… We rewatch with you the political saga of the week live on Twitch – Libération
Crisis at LR, New Popular Front… We rewatch with you the political saga of the week live on Twitch – Libération
Legislative elections 2024case

From the union on the left to the multiple reversals of jackets on the right and the extreme right, replay the match of this exciting week with our journalists in Libéscope this Friday from 6 p.m.

Barely five days and the impression of a month of political news… This Friday, June 14 from 6 p.m. on Twitch, Release invites you to relive this short but intense epic together. We will tell you how our reporters witnessed the emotion caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly during the election evenings of the different parties. We will decipher the agreement found on the left, and we will not fail to return to the adventures which have stirred up the right.

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This Libéscope will be hosted by our journalist Caurentin Courtois. He will be alongside political columnist Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen. Together, they will also return to the history of Release in the fight against the extreme right in France. To join them, go to the Twitch channel of Release. The stream will also be available at the top of this article. To participate in the discussion, you will need to log in to the platform.



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