World Blood Donor Day is today: How to donate blood

Every year, June 14 marks World Blood Donor Day. This event is essential to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation. This special day also honors the millions of anonymous donors who save lives through this simple gesture. So why not join the movement?

In France, the blood needs are constant. Every four seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion. Whether for surgical interventions, cancer treatments or serious accidents… Blood is a vital resource.

However, blood supplies are often insufficient. Our practical guide will explain how to donate blood. Don’t hesitate any longer and you too can help save lives!

Donating blood is a simple and secure process. To get started, make sure you meet the basic criteria. It’s necessary be in good health, be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh at least 50 kg. Before your donation, eat a good meal and hydrate yourself properly to avoid any discomfort.

On the day of donation, you will be greeted by medical staff who will check your eligibility through a questionnaire and a confidential interview. Once this step has been completed, the sampling takes approximately 10 minutes. Comfortably installed, the donation itself is painless.

After your donation, stay a few minutes of observation and enjoy a snack to regain your strength.

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Blood donation helps maintain a sufficient stock of blood products. Platelets, plasma and red blood cells collected are essential for many treatments. Adopt this gesture, you directly contribute to saving lives.

By participating in this solidarity chain, you help create a more united society and capable of meeting the health needs of each of us.

On this World Blood Donor Day, let us remember that every donation counts. Donating blood is a simple, safe and quick gesture that has an immense impact. Not only are you helping save lives…but you’re also helping to strengthen our healthcare system and inspire others to do the same.

So why not take this step and become a blood donor? Don’t wait any longer and join the big family of blood donors.



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