IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. After the jewelry store heist in Nantes, a fire broke out in the same building

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Twenty-four hours or almost after a fire, of voluntary origin, broke out above a freshly robbed jewelry store, rue Crébillon, in Nantes, a new fire mobilized 137 firefighters on the night of Thursday June 13 to Friday, June 14, 2024. Access to Place Royale was restored shortly after 11 a.m., but part of Rue Contrescarpe remains blocked due to clearing operations.

A new fire mobilized around a hundred firefighters on the night of Thursday June 13 to Friday June 14, 2024. | OCEAN PRESS PHOTO – MARIANNE DARDARD

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  • A new fire mobilized around a hundred firefighters on the night of Thursday June 13 to Friday June 14, 2024. | OCEAN PRESS PHOTO – MARIANNE DARDARD

Twenty-four hours or a little more after a fire was lit on the floors of the beautiful building located at 2, rue Crébillon, in the heart of Nantes, after the burglary of the Maty jewelry store, a new fire broke out at the same address during the night from Thursday to Friday.

Around a hundred firefighters mobilized

This time, emergency services were alerted around 1 a.m. Some 137 firefighters and 57 engines from 13 fire stations were sent to the scene in order to stop the spread of the flames as quickly as possible. In this building, let us remember, is the Maty jewelry store, whose ceiling was ripped open by one or more criminals early Thursday June 13 morning, but also offices and homes (which were unoccupied last night, according to the emergency services ). The fire the day before had necessitated…



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