3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day at CIMENDEF this Friday

3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day at CIMENDEF this Friday
3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day at CIMENDEF this Friday

The 3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day will be held in Saint-Paul this Friday. It allows us to thank donors, all those who commit to donating blood, and to recall the essential nature of this gesture before a delicate period for the French Blood Establishment (EFS): that of the long school holidays in Reunion. .

The EFS press release:

3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day at CIMENDEF Regional Radiation Conservatory of St Paul this Friday June 14, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Let us all be united by giving more than ever!

This major blood drive in the colors of World Blood Donor Day, which takes place every year on June 14, is a highlight for blood donation. It allows us to thank donors, all those who commit to donating blood, and to recall the essential nature of this gesture before a delicate period for the French Blood Establishment (EFS): that of the long school holidays in Reunion. .

Donating blood is a generous gesture that connects a multitude of stakeholders: blood donors, associations, volunteers committed to donating, patients and their loved ones, caregivers, health establishments, elected officials, public authorities, staff of the EFS, etc. To illustrate this invisible thread which unites all those committed to blood donation, the EFS is launching on the occasion of World Blood Donor Day 2024 a communication campaign around a slogan “All united for the gift “.

Idriss DELOUANE, director of EFS LROI
Laëtitia LEBRETON, elected to the Health of the City of St Paul,
and Corry PAYET, godmother, have the pleasure of inviting you
At the 3rd edition of World Blood Donor Day
Friday June 14 at 10:30 a.m. in Cimendef
Corner of Mangalon and Chaussée Royale streets, St Paul

Organized in partnership with the City of St Paul and the Réunion Region, this 3rd edition will have as godmother, Dr Corry PAYET, general practitioner mother of 2 children, Saint Pauloise and European Champion of Brazilian jiu-jitsu 2024 (AJJIR club in St. Paul). “I am committed to donating blood because I have been a donor for around twenty years and registered on the list of bone marrow donors. In my opinion it is a gesture accessible to all, altruistic and which can save lives so it made sense to me at a very young age to take part in this approach. “.

Entertainment will be on the program for this beautiful day (magician, illustrator, etc.).

This campaign has different objectives:

  • Mobilize the general public to donate blood over several weeks before the summer
  • Remember that blood donation brings people together, regardless of age, skin color, origins, differences
  • Remember that donating blood saves the lives of thousands of people every year
  • Remember that donating blood concerns us all!

Today, there is no substitute for human blood and blood products have a limited shelf life. Donating blood regularly is vital! Because if a large majority of the population goes on leave, illness does not take a break. The need for blood products is daily.

To find the collection closest to you and make an appointment, visit our website dondesang.efs.sante.fr or the “Blood donation” app.



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