The Merit Badge is maintained, while the Florence Awards are abolished. As for the Nursing Innovation competition, it will end with the presentation of the Grand Prize during the 2024 Congress, on December 3.
Several factors motivated this decision: on the one hand, the point of view of the members and their low participation in prizes and distinctions and, on the other hand, the intention of the OIIQ to refocus on its mission of protecting the public .
Your point of view
Several of you were consulted on the OIIQ’s awards and distinctions through surveys and focus groups conducted between 2021 and 2024. It appears that more than 80% of you prefer continued recognition of nursing expertise in our media, or through campaigns such as Nursing Week, rather than through awards and distinctions1. These consultations also show that prizes and distinctions are among the least interesting subjects according to members, who clearly prefer practical information on subjects related to their work.2. Finally, let us note that year after year, the number of applications received for prizes and distinctions represented a very small proportion of members (
Protection of the public
In our most recent strategic plan (2024-2027)we demonstrate our intention to focus our efforts and resources on protecting the public. This is in line with the wishes of Minister LeBel, minister responsible for the application of professional laws.
Updating public protection mechanisms represents a priority for us in order to ensure safe and quality professional practice. The decision to put an end to the Florence prizes and the Nursing Innovation competition aims in particular to allow the OIIQ teams to devote more time to this essential aspect of our activities, which includes, among other things, the development of standards and nursing tools. supervision of practice.
We also aim to support the protection of the public by promoting optimal understanding of nursing expertise and practice. We believe that there are more effective and accessible ways than prizes and distinctions to achieve such an objective.
Wider and continuous outreach of your expertise and practice
We now aim to increase opportunities to position nursing expertise and practice for the benefit of the population, through our current activities and media, for example by highlighting the achievements of members in the journal Perspective nurse, infOIIQ , social networks, public interventions and positioning campaigns. Several initiatives are in preparation for this purpose. We will keep you informed of the rest.
The Merit Badge: a tradition that endures
The Badge of Merit, the highest and oldest distinction of the Order, will continue to recognize the contribution of an emeritus member over their entire career. Its maintenance requires few resources, in addition to representing an element of continuity.
Difficult news for some of you
We understand that the abolition of the Florence Prizes and the Nursing Innovation competition may be difficult news for some of you, especially those who actively participated. However, we are convinced that this decision is the fairest for all members and for the population.