The gas bill of millions of French people will increase by 11.7% on average in July

The gas bill of millions of French people will increase by 11.7% on average in July
The gas bill of millions of French people will increase by 11.7% on average in July
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The price of gas will skyrocket again from July 1.


Bad news for French households. The average price of the gas bill for millions of French people will increase by 11.7% in July compared to June, the energy regulatory commission announced this Monday. This increase will be felt by the majority of the 10 million residential customers connected to the gas distribution network (GRDF), due to a slight rebound in prices and especially the sharp increase in the cost of transporting gas invoiced to suppliers by GRDF, indicates CNews.

The reference price per megawatt hour (MWh) will be on average at 129.2 euros including tax, a significant increase compared to the 115.7 euros/MWh recorded in June. But the regulator puts things into perspective: “ Even if this price is increasing (…), it remains lower by €4.7/MWh including tax » at the average price of January 1, 2024, a decrease of 3.5%. The CRE has given an estimate of the amount of the annual bill including tax for residential customers with variable price gas offers. This would amount to 1,184 euros on average, compared to 1,060 euros per year in June, and 1,227 euros in January.

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Bring in the competition

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has published benchmark prices every month for information purposes since the abolition of regulated gas sales prices in July 2023. Faced with this increase, the president of the CRE, Emmanuelle Wargon, encourages French to “ take a good look at the offers and bring the competition into play » on the energy market, in particular by using the Energy Mediator’s online comparator to identify the most advantageous options.



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