“It looks like it’s her mother”: Nawell Madani talks about the criticism she receives when she is with her husband Djebril Zonga

“It looks like it’s her mother”: Nawell Madani talks about the criticism she receives when she is with her husband Djebril Zonga
“It looks like it’s her mother”: Nawell Madani talks about the criticism she receives when she is with her husband Djebril Zonga

It’s in the columns of Cable Sat Hebdowhich will be released on Monday June 10, that the Belgian comedian Nawell Madani spoke about the violence of the comments to which she is the subject on social networks.

It’s a love story that lasts! Since 2007, Nawell Madani has enjoyed happy days with actor and model Djebril Zonga. And if they rarely appear together, the Belgian comedian does not hesitate to regularly discuss her life as a couple in her shows, as she did at Marrakech du Rire in 2022: “I do everything, he does nothing. When he does the dishes, he doesn’t say “I washed the dishes”he says “I did the dishes for you.” The guy thinks he’s living with locals. My husband is a model and actor and we are the same age. I’m 10 years older than him and I think it’s because I’m stressed, I take care of everything, I think for two. And I really think that Brigitte Macron is not older than the president“, she joked in front of a hilarious audience and a slightly embarrassed Djebril Zonga. The fact remains that despite their little lovers’ quarrels, the ex-acolyte of Jamel Debbouze and the former footballer started a family with the birth of their daughter, Lou Ezra, in 2021. A long-term fight, since Nawell Madani had to undergo dozens of IVFs to become a mother.

“I’m getting smashed”

And the comedian is leading another battle, that of denouncing the hatred she sometimes receives on social networks! Indeed, in the June 10 edition of Cable Sat HebdoNawell Madani talks about the remarks she receives about her age and her physique: Before, I was presented as the Beyoncé of humor, the atomic bomb, the charming asset of the Jamel Comedy Club. I see it clearly, that’s more how I’m presented… I have a model and actor husband. When I post a photo of us on social media, I get screwed. The girls are merciless: ‘It looks like it’s his mother! ‘” Sometimes very harsh words which require a strong mind, as the actress further explains: If you don’t feel good in your boots, you go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and throw yourself down. It’s violent but I try to laugh about it.” The best defense against violence!



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