The Threshold of the Pont de Gaz bridge in Saint-André-le-Gaz

The Threshold of the Pont de Gaz bridge in Saint-André-le-Gaz
The Threshold of the Pont de Gaz bridge in Saint-André-le-Gaz

As part of the contract for the restoration and preservation of the aquatic environments of the Bourbre valley, the Department of Isère, partner of Epage de la Bourbre, provided project management for the development work of this threshold located near a departmental road to restore ecological continuity.

This is why work was carried out this summer on the Bourbre. At this point, the RD 1006 crosses the river by a bridge whose raft caused, downstream, a drop that was difficult for fish to cross.

The work consisted of digging a rock ramp into the bridge base. This development now allows all species of fish from the Bourbre to cross the raft, while guaranteeing the stability of the bridge and the smooth flow of the river.
In this particularly sensitive sector, the development was completed by the creation of benches allowing terrestrial fauna to pass under the RD 1006 while remaining dry and thus avoid collisions with vehicles.

The work was carried out in the summer of 2024, during low water periods, in order to reduce the impact on the aquatic environment and the technical difficulties caused by possible floods.

This work, the cost of which amounts to €130,000, is co-financed by the Department of Isère and the Rhône-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency.

For more information, consult the website




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