The United States will sell F-16 fighter jet equipment and parts to Taiwan

The United States will sell F-16 fighter jet equipment and parts to Taiwan
The United States will sell F-16 fighter jet equipment and parts to Taiwan

Taiwan thanked the United States on Thursday for approving the sale of equipment and parts for F-16 fighter jets. This sale will allow Taiwan to “ meet the needs of defense operations “, particularly against China, declared the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense.

“Military intimidation will not contribute to regional peace and we call on the Chinese Communist Party to stop all kinds of irrational behavior against Taiwan,” he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also welcomed this sale on the social network demonstrates an unwavering commitment to our defense ” and of ” our commitment to maintaining peace and stability persists in the face of China’s escalating aggression “.

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Two contracts

The US Defense Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on Wednesday these two contracts which mainly concern F-16 spare parts, for a total amount of 300 million US dollars in total (nearly 276 million euros). The agency, attached to the United States Department of Defense, is responsible for providing financial assistance to United States allies and military partners.

If Washington has recognized Beijing to the detriment of Taipei as a legitimate power since 1979, the United States remains the island’s most powerful ally and its main arms supplier. Washington has historically maintained a policy of “strategic ambiguity” regarding possible American military intervention if Taiwan were attacked by China. US President Joe Biden himself has indicated that he is not in favor of Taiwan’s independence, but that he is prepared to defend the island militarily if necessary.

The American Congress adopted a military assistance package of eight billion dollars for Taiwan at the end of April. China warned the next day that this military support only increased the ” risk of conflict “.

Take power »

As a reminder, China considers that Taiwan is one of its provinces, which it has not yet succeeded in reunifying with its territory since the end of the civil war and the coming to power of the communists in 1949.

Tensions rose further after the inauguration speech of Lai Ching-te, the new president of the island who has just taken office, perceived by China as a “ confession of independence ” from the island.

Since taking office, the leader of the Taiwan region has seriously questioned the principle of one China (…), attempted to ‘use force to achieve independence’ and ‘s’ pressing on foreign countries to achieve independence’, which pushes our compatriots in Taiwan into a perilous situation of war and danger said Wu Qian, a ministry spokesperson, in a statement last month.

The Chinese Ministry of Defense also warned that with each new “ provocation “ on the part of Taiwan in favor of independence, Beijing’s “countermeasures” would go “ further “.

In May, Chinese warships and fighter planes surrounded the autonomous island, as part of military maneuvers intended according to Beijing to test its ability to “ take power » in Taiwan. These maneuvers, called “ Seal Sword-2024A “, involved the army, navy, air force and rocket unit. Beijing had presented these military exercises as a “severe punishment” against the “ separatists » of the island which will end « in the blood “.

(With AFP)



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