The deadliest day in according to INSEE –

The deadliest day in according to INSEE –
The deadliest day in France according to INSEE –

Have you ever wondered which day of the year is the saddest in ? An in-depth study by INSEE provides a surprising answer.

By analyzing data from mortality over more than two decades, the institute has highlighted a particular date when the number of deaths rises significantly.

On January 3, a mortality peak of 19%

According to statistics from theINSEEthe January 3 is the day of the year when we record the most death in France, and this since 2004. This observation may seem paradoxical at first glance. Indeed, why would this start of the year be more funereal than other periods?

Researchers put forward several hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. First of all, the end-of-year holidays can push some people at the end of their lives to delay their visit to the doctor or to postpone their hospitalization, in the hope of spending these important moments surrounded by their loved ones. This postponement could explain the 19% additional deaths recorded on average on January 3 compared to the annual average.

Conversely, August 15, the feast of the Assumption, is the day on which the fewest death. This decline is explained by the closure of many health establishments and reduced activity in the medical sector. On average, we observe 12% of death less that day compared to the annual average.

The birthday effect: increased risk

The study ofINSEE also highlights an interesting phenomenon: the “birthday syndrome“. It appears that individuals have a risk of death slightly higher on their birthday, especially among young men. The reasons for this phenomenon are multiple: excess, stress, or simply increased sensitivity to advancing age.

Several factors can explain variations in number of deaths during the year. The winter months are generally associated with increased mortality, particularly among older people. Exceptional events such as epidemics or heat waves can have a significant impact on mortality. For example, the year 2022, marked by several waves of Covid-19, saw the number of deaths increase significantly.

Lifestyle choices, health status and socio-economic factors also play an important role.

A downward trend, but…

Despite these seasonal and individual variations, the total number of deaths in France has tended to decrease in recent years, thanks to advances in medicine and improved living conditions. However, it remains 4% higher than the 2019 pre-pandemic level, due to the aging population.

In conclusion, the study ofINSEE gives us a precise overview of the factors that influence the mortality in France. Yes, yes January 3 remains the day when the risk of death is the highest, with 19% more than the annual average, the general trends are rather encouraging.



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