“It’s normally a day of rest, I vote against”… stores will open certain Sundays in Decazeville

“It’s normally a day of rest, I vote against”… stores will open certain Sundays in Decazeville
“It’s normally a day of rest, I vote against”… stores will open certain Sundays in Decazeville

the essential
During the municipal council meeting of October 31, 2024, elected officials ruled on the exemption of Sunday rest and public holidays for retail employees, as well as on the establishment of special function and commitment compensation for the sector. municipal police.

“It won’t surprise you, but I’m voting against.” During the municipal council of October 31 held in Decazeville, elected officials deliberated on the exception to the rule of Sunday rest and public holidays for retail employees for the year 2025, “given the requests expressed by the merchants at the town hall.”

If this authorization should not exceed 12 days per year, only Pascal Mazet, elected from the minority, opposed it. “Since the implementation of the Macron law, working on Sundays and on public holidays has become widespread. But it has been proven that in this sector, this brings nothing to employees, consumers or businesses. I defend rest on Sundays.”

He also explains that “if a trader wants to operate, it is his choice and I respect it. But it is certainly not that of his employee(s) who have nothing more to gain from it. It is a day which must be reserved for one's children, one's leisure activities, or simply to rest.”

Implementation of the special function and commitment allowance for the municipal police sector

Unanimously this time, elected officials voted favorably for the establishment of the ISFE, the special function and commitment allowance for the municipal police sector. This scheme, which serves to enhance the career of agents, has a fixed portion, which will be paid monthly at the rate of 23% for municipal police directors, 22% for department heads, 20% for agents and 20% also for country guards.

But the compensation also has a variable part, which “takes into account professional commitment and the manner of serving […] within the limit of 50% of the ceiling defined by the deliberative body.” This share will therefore be set at 4,750 euros for directors, 3,500 euros for bosses, 2,500 euros for agents and 2,500 euros maximum per year for the country guards.

The ISFE will be maintained entirely within the framework of sick leave which would not exceed 3 months, then reduced by half for the following 9 months. Annual leave, occupational illnesses, service and work accidents will not affect the payment of compensation.



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