heated match between Bourbriac and Plouagat, with tensions and red cards

heated match between Bourbriac and Plouagat, with tensions and red cards
heated match between Bourbriac and Plouagat, with tensions and red cards


Editorial Guingamp

Published on

Oct 28, 2024 at 12:01 p.m.
; updated Oct 28, 2024 at 12:09 p.m.

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Sunday October 27, the Coupe de Bretagne football match between Bourbriac and Plouagat, near Guingamp, took place in a very bad atmosphere between the players.

This is a poster that was promising on paper. But the least we can say is that she kept none of her promises.

The fault lies in deplorable attitudes in the camp of these two Côtes-d’Armor teams.

Shame on social networks

After being upset on social networks in the days preceding the meeting, the players of the two teams continued their “fight” on the field.

Result: a choppy match, trouble, two red cards (one for each team) and a deplorable state of mind.

And as some spectators got in tune with this desolate spectacle, we witnessed a heartbreaking match, where the spirit of sport did not reign, while these two teams are capable, in normal times, of producing a game quality.

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A poor state of mind on and off the field

Hotly, the coach of FC Plouagat, Romain Gicquel, did not like it at all. “I will not comment on the match, as the state of mind, on and off the pitch, displeased me. Today I didn’t see any football. »

At Bourbriac, coach Mathieu Haustant admitted “a rivalry between the two teams. There were a lot of mistakes in the first half. In second, I told my players to put more rhythm. Plouagat pushed at the end without really creating any chances. »

For the record, Bourbriac qualified for the next round (1-0).

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