D-17 until Halloween! It's time to prepare the decorations and stock up on treats for these disguised children who will come knocking on your door with the legendary phrase “trick or treat?” “. The shelves are filling up and the reduced prices will make your little monsters tremble with pleasure.
Where does Halloween come from?
The pagan festival Samhain marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, a time full of symbols and beliefs. Indeed, the Celts believed that on that night, the boundary between the world of the living and that of the dead was thinner, allowing spirits to return to Earth. To appease these spirits and protect themselves, the Celts lit large bonfires and disguised themselves as frightening creatures to ward them off.
How was the Halloween we know today born?
Many Irish and Scottish people emigrated to the United States in the 19th century, bringing with them their Celtic traditions, including those related to Samhain. Over time, Samhain evolved into Halloween, influenced by other cultures and traditions. The concept of “trick or treat” appeared in the 1930s. Children began to dress up and go from door to door asking for candy. 60 years later, this tradition has gradually taken hold in France, notably supported by the entertainment industry and the media.
What is the symbolism of the pumpkin?
Although the Celts used turnips for their lanterns, it was in the United States that the pumpkin became the iconic symbol of Halloween. Easier to sculpt, it has become a central element of Halloween decorations.