Victim of an accident near Dreux, she is desperately looking for her Chihuahua who escaped

Victim of an accident near Dreux, she is desperately looking for her Chihuahua who escaped
Victim of an accident near Dreux, she is desperately looking for her Chihuahua who escaped

Friday May 3, 2024 will forever remain a cursed date for a young woman, victim of a road accident in Chérisy, on National Route 12. That day, she lost her car and especially her little dog that she she is searching desperately.

What happened to Urban, a Chihuahua just over a year old?? Is he alive?? Is he dead?? These questions haunt, day and night, Ambre Mercier and her companion, Quentin Callebaut, whose family lives in the Tillières-sur-Avre area. “Our dog is like our child. We are very attached to him and we miss him terribly,” they said on Thursday, May 23.

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In shops in Dreux and its surrounding areas, on sites specializing in finding lost animals on the Internet, everywhere, they display the photo of their little companion, promising a big reward. But the weeks pass, without any news from Urban.

Ambre and Quentin’s Chihuahua: “We consider him our child,” says the young couple.

Urban’s disappearance dates back to Friday May 3. It is 6:50 p.m., Ambre is traveling on the RN 12 in the Paris-province direction when shortly after Chérisy, in the direction of Dreux, a driver arrives, according to Ambre, at high speed at the wheel of a large sedan. He overtakes the young woman from the right, fishtails and is right in front of her vehicle, forcing her to brake hard.

“My Peugeot 206 was destabilized, it hit the central reservation and it came to a stop after three rollovers. The driver fled…”

Amber Mercier (Chihuahua mistress)

Witnesses helped the young driver, who was slightly injured, and tried to catch Urban who, panicked, escaped through the window of the vehicle. The gendarmerie received a complaint and an investigation is still underway.

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Since that day, the animal has not been found.

“With my partner, we contact veterinarians, SPAs and pounds. We go door to door. Our life is broken. Urban is everything for us.”

Ambre Mercier and Quentin Callebaut (Owners
of Chihuahua)

Three weeks after the events, the young couple still has hope. Ambre, insured with a third party, lost her old car which the insurance refused to reimburse her for lack of an identified adverse driver. No longer owning a vehicle, she also lost her job. “But the most important thing is Urban. If only we could find him…”

Practical. Contact Ambre Mercier and Guillaume Callebaut: or

Pascal Boursier



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