Quebec is cracking everywhere

Quebec is cracking everywhere
Quebec is cracking everywhere

Valérie Plante had a brilliant idea to save Montreal.

Yes, yes, you read that right! I’m about to write a positive column about the mayor of Montreal!

Madame Plante looked up from her desk where the first boards of her next comic were lying, she looked at her city and said to herself: “But what the hell can I do with a hole like that?”

Then she had a flash.

“I’m going to go to Los Angeles to court film producers so that they can come and shoot their next films here!”

Apocalypse now

The idea is brilliant.

Indeed, what has been the fashionable subject in cinema for 10 years?

The apocalypse. The end of the world.

Now, where is the ideal place to shoot this type of film (apart from countries at war)? Montreal!

No need for digital imaging or cardboard decorations. Everything is here. In truth.

All you have to do is plant your camera, and that’s it.

You want broken streets? We have some!

Boarded up businesses? We have some!

Fronts of houses covered in graffiti? We have some!

We even have zombies wandering through nasty alleys.

Previously, Montreal served as the setting for films set in Paris in the 1940s.

Now it is the ideal place to shoot anticipation films. And show what will happen when society implodes.

A pile of ruins

I’m laughing, but barely.

All of our infrastructure is falling apart. In Montreal, but also elsewhere in Quebec.

Several Montreal metro stations are in urgent need of maintenance. Many schools are dilapidated. Half of Quebec’s roads are in poor condition. The Olympic Stadium must be completely renovated. And according to the General Auditor, two-thirds of CEGEP real estate is deteriorating at high speed.

Without forgetting the French which is going to the yâble.

In the 1960s, we gave ourselves a beautiful, brand new state. Sixty years later, Quebec falls into ruins. Not only are buildings cracking, but the state is finding it increasingly difficult to meet the needs of citizens.

The time when we sang “It’s the beginning of a new time!”

Like the baby boomers, Quebec was on fire at the end of the 1960s.

And it goes out small fires NOW.

Those who built modern Quebec are falling one after the other. We’re going to spend our time organizing state funerals.

Where is the next generation?

Where are the big projects?

What is the project that has received the most praise in recent years? The one who made us the most proud? The one that made us feel like something was finally happening? Who excited all Quebecers, regardless of our camp?

Medical assistance in dying.

This is the great victory of recent years.

Not improving our lot, no.

Leave without suffering.

Avoid slow agony.

That says a lot about the state of mental health of Quebecers.

It’s like the science fiction movie Green Sun, with Charlton Heston. Remember: everything is falling apart, everything is going to hell, the only thing that works is the euthanasia centers where people who are fed up are allowed to get away with it by watching films showing what the Earth was like. formerly.

Before the decline.

Do you remember when this film was set in 1973?

In 2022.

The spark

This weekend, three parties (the CAQ, the PLC and QS) are holding their national congress. What are they going to cook?

Strategies to climb the polls and win the next elections.

This is perhaps why the PQ has the wind in its sails. He dares to think big.

Yes, I know, sovereignty is an old dream.

But who knows? Maybe it would be the spark that would allow us to burn again.

Freedom for us, not for them

It’s still ironic…

Far-left activists who claim that we should not dismantle encampments on university campuses, under the pretext that institutions of higher learning are places of debate, are the same ones who advocate cancel culture!

They want to remove books from libraries, cancel conferences and prevent teachers from teaching!

And now that THEIR freedom of opinion is threatened, they rip their shirts off and present themselves as victims?

Too funny!

Red carpet for multinationals

Do you remember the time when Quebec’s economic development involved aid to SMEs?

Today, it seems that Quebec’s economic policy is entirely focused on foreign countries. We promise everything to foreign multinationals to attract them to us.

We give them millions in subsidies! We’re rolling out the red carpet for them! We allow them to circumvent environmental rules! We sell them electricity at low prices!

And in the meantime, the government tells us to favor local purchases and to take showers with cold water…

Four-star hospitals

Minister Dubé says he appointed Christiane Germain, of Hôtels Germain, to head the board of directors of Santé Québec, because he wants hospital patients to feel as well considered as if they were in a hotel.

That’s all well and good, but before transforming hospitals into four-star hotels, can we just allow all Quebecers to have access to a family doctor? And to get scans done in a timely manner?

Let’s start with that, then we’ll dream, OK?

The color of the walls, the disgusting food – currently, these are details…

Personally, I don’t want a Lamborghini. Just a driving Lada. That would be a good start.



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