Day of restitution of the OSE and ÉVEIL 2024 projects, high school students from Burgundy-Franche-Comté compete for initiatives!

Day of restitution of the OSE and ÉVEIL 2024 projects, high school students from Burgundy-Franche-Comté compete for initiatives!
Day of restitution of the OSE and ÉVEIL 2024 projects, high school students from Burgundy-Franche-Comté compete for initiatives!

Thursday May 23, 2024 at the Simone Weil high school in Dijon, Océane Godard, vice-president of the Region in charge of high schools, chaired the day of restitution of the actions carried out by high school students during the year as part of the OSE and ÉVEIL systems, imagined and financed by the Region. Twelve establishments from Burgundy-Franche-Comté participated this year.

Ecological escape game, creation of an AMAP, awareness of discrimination… ideas which germinated among high school students and which were able to come to fruition thanks to the OSE system.
Océane Godard, vice-president in charge of high schools, recalled the Region’s commitment to this system, created to “ provide a space for creativity to students, with the material and financial means to bring their projects to fruition. As the European elections approach, it is important to know that this day is a political choice, a budgetary choice too, to be able to create the ideal conditions for carrying out the initiatives “. A second edition full of very varied projects, like that of Gray last year.
The day ended with a time for discussion between all participants around the strong points and areas for improvement that could be considered.
The Region financed these twelve projects to the tune of €31,271.

The devices in brief
OSE (Dare to sow your desires) supports and promotes new actions initiated by high school students who are members of representative bodies in their establishment, to strengthen their capacity for action and mobilization for the benefit of the educational community. A grant, capped at €2,000, can be awarded to each high school.
AWAKENING (Envelope for the life, development and involvement of high school students)
All high schools benefit from financial support from the Region through ÉVEIL. A grant is awarded to them each year to enable projects on different themes, including artistic, cultural and scientific education. The average budget allocated to each establishment amounts to €4,000.

Participating establishments:
– Family and rural house in Charolais-Brionnais in Anzy-le-Duc (71)
– Jacques Amyot High School in Auxerre (89)
– La Prat’s high school in Cluny (71)
– Cosne-Nevers agricultural high school in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire (58)
– Charles de Gaulle High School in Dijon (21)
– Simone Weil high school in Dijon (21)
– Alexandre Dumaine High School in Mâcon (71)
– Raoul Follereau high school in Nevers (58)
– Xavier Marmier High School in Pontarlier (25)
– La Brosse agricultural high school in Venoy (89)
– Les Haberges high school in Vesoul (70)
– Olivier de Serres agricultural high school in Quetigny (21).



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