François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos, hugs and knowing looks: the duo, closer than ever

A duo closer than ever! After their flamboyant climb to the steps at the Cannes Film Festival this Thursday, May 23 for “L’Amour Ouf”, the film by Gilles Lellouche, in which they star, Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil were expected this Friday morning for the traditional photocall before the press conference. Still as accomplices, the two actors exchanged many teasing glances, before posing together…

François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos, hugs and knowing looks: the duo, closer than ever

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A duo appearance that the famous Festival will not soon forget! Early roles of Phew Lovenew film directed by Gilles Lellouche (after Narco And The Great Bath) and presented this Thursday evening in competition at Cannes, François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos made the trip to the Croisette this week to support the director and defend this new feature film.

Well they got it: after a flamboyant and particularly sexy climb up the steps, during which the two actors showed themselves to be particularly close, finishing hand in hand, they were able to attend a standing ovation lasting around ten minutes which moved them greatly.

But everything was not yet over: this Friday, May 24, it was for the photocall that they were expected. As is the tradition of the Cannes Film Festival, in fact, the team of the film screened the day before must appear in front of the photographers for a few group or solo photos, before a major press conference.

A different look but significant proximity

And it was in a very different look from that of the day before that the two actors arrived together: much more covered than in her superb red carpet dress, Adèle Exarchopoulos wore a white shirt and oversized jeans, as well as a tie Navy blue. With her hair tied in a bun, she wore sunglasses which she eventually took off during the photoshoot.

A detail that his friend had also chosen (a sign of an evening that ended late?), and which he had matched with a t-shirt bearing the image of Cannes as well as light pants. Smiling, both played the game perfectly and even ended up posing together. Shy at first, they then hugged each other before exchanging many knowing glances. Chatting quietly in front of the flashes, they then did not fail to highlight Gilles Lellouche, their director, as well as Malik Frikah and Mallory Wanecque, the young actors who play their adolescent role.

Quickly leaving their place to the rest of the team (Alain Chabat, Elodie Bouchez, Jean-Pascal Zadi, etc…), they found themselves apart, before joining the Palais des Festivals on foot, a short journey during which they were able to joke in front of the cameras with Vincent Lacoste. During the press conference, both were finally able to explain how happy they had been to “rediscover Gilles Lellouche as a director“.

An “obviousness” between “two actors of rare beauty”

It must be said that they had already shared a film with him: partners in North Bac in 2021, they had particularly marked the 52-year-old director, as he remembered two days ago in C à Vous. “She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to be married to Karim Leklou, she looked at François as if he were a God.“, he said, making them very uncomfortable, before concluding with humor: “I looked at them and I said to myself but they don’t actually play the scene at all, the two of them actually there!

If he was not far from telling this anecdote again in front of journalists, the father of young Ava (14 years old) was careful this time but still wanted to explain why he had chosen them : “I immediately thought of Adèle and François, we knew each other a little in life, I observed them and I thought they were going to make a great cinema couple.[…] They stood out as obvious, already because I find them to be exceptional actors, of rare intensity, but also because they have this physique, this body. It’s a wonderful combination, when I see them both together, I really find them of rare beauty. They are feline, intense“, he explained.

Compliments which undoubtedly touched this duo of actors… whose glamour, whether on the red carpet or at the photocall, is indeed undeniable!



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