why the Nadal-Zverev clash will be scheduled during the day on Monday

why the Nadal-Zverev clash will be scheduled during the day on Monday
why the Nadal-Zverev clash will be scheduled during the day on Monday


Europeans: in Hénin-Beaumont, next to Bardella, Le Pen remains the boss

Sixteen days before the European election, Jordan Bardella held his penultimate campaign meeting on Friday alongside Marine Le Pen in Hénin-Beaumont, where the three-time candidate for the Elysée was able to ensure the loyalty of her voters in its stronghold of Pas-de-Calais. A takeover? As polls predict an insolent success for the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections – 33% voting intentions according to an Ifop-Fiducial study published Friday – Marine Le Pen’s entourage has since estimated several days urgent to carry out a “rebalancing” with his foal. Especially, noted the faithful of the campaign, that the call for a Bardella candidacy for the 2027 presidential election is becoming an increasingly popular refrain among activists and sympathizers who flock to the meetings, where the “youth” of the outgoing MEP is acclaimed. “I think that for 2027, it would be good for it to be a woman, it’s the moment”, cuts short Peggy, a resident of Hénin-Beaumont who is queuing with her sister Virginie to be able to enter the François-Mitterrand space where the public meeting is to be held almost three hours later. Next to them, Ethan, Joey, Kenzo and Dorian, 17, who wants to “defend the values ​​of conservatism, tradition and love of the homeland” in the face of “multiculturalism”, “living together” and “progressism”, agrees. Because if “Jordan Bardella represents our France well”, for 2027 “it will still be a little early”, notes the first of these four friends who met in a sports club. Ditto for Johan and Loïc, two 19-year-old temporary workers who took their RN card “two, three months” ago. Certainly, it was “for Jordan”, who “has good elocution and speaks well for young people”. The fact remains that “for me, in 2027, Marine Le Pen would make a good president”, believes Loïc, a child from this mining country whose “mother votes to the left”. – “My first support” -To the cries of “Marine, we loves you”, it was in any case in the role of undisputed boss that Ms. Le Pen took the floor on stage, introduced by the RN mayor of the town, Steeve Briois, one of her close friends.He who does not did not fail to mention that he had been “re-elected in 2020 with 74% of the votes in the first round” above all recalled that these Pas-de-Calais lands were Marinist, “on a popular social line”, “the one that Marine defends Le Pen for 22 years now.” is in better condition than that of 2017?”, she questioned, considering that “everything is red”. Insecurity (“For them, state authority is a philosophical concept; the execution of sentences, a view of the mind”) to the economy (“no longer just a decline or a setback, a real decline”), “the results of these seven years are indefensible”, thundered Marine Le Pen .The day after a debate between Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal, she again singled out “the arsonist Macron” who “dispatched the firefighter Attal to save the soldier (Valérie) Hayer”, head of the Macron list in the European elections. that her foal was, according to several commentators, sometimes allowed himself to be dominated during the exchange, she cited an Odoxa-Backbone poll for Le Figaro published an hour earlier, swearing that “63% of French people gave victory to Jordan Bardella “.It is in fact the proportion of viewers who have “a better opinion” of his foe, while the same study showed that the head of the RN list was only “the most convincing” for 51% of them, against 46% for the Prime Minister.”My dear Marine, you are my first support; know, my dear Marine, that I will always be yours”, replied the president of the National Rally, in a demonstration of strong loyalty. The head of the list also heard repeating the match from the day before: “I did faced last night, trying to defend the truth, with France’s first liar, Gabriel Attal. “There are those who speak of the RN and those who speak of France, those who defend dogmas and those who defend people,” he added, to cheers as loud as those his elder sister had received.pab/sde/



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