We know the exorbitant price of Prince George’s future college

We know the exorbitant price of Prince George’s future college
We know the exorbitant price of Prince George’s future college

10 years ago, Kate Middleton gave birth to the future king of England : his son George. A few hours after giving birth, the Princess of Wales appeared in a blue dress with white polka dots and presented the heir to an audience of photographers but also to the whole world. At his side, Prince William, smiling and visibly moved, greeted the crowd on the steps of St Mary’s Hospitall, in London.

Now, Prince George is all grown up! For parents, it is now time to look to the future. Since a young age, Kate and William have paid close attention to his education and therefore to the educational establishments he attends. So when he was little, George went every day to kindergarten Montessori Westacre, which is located near the family home at Anmer Hall. For his return to school, he discovered private preparatory school Thomas’s Batterseain London in September 2017.

Two years later, his little sister Charlotte born in May 2015 joined him at school. They have French, music, theater, Latin and even technology classes. After a year spent homeschooling due to Covid-19, George joins a new still private school in Lambrook in Kensington where the Prince and Princess of Wales now reside.

Her entry into college is fast approaching but Kate and William already seem to have chosen the ideal establishment.

Prince George will join Eton College

Before June 30, 2023, Kate and William had to choose the college where the future heir will study. The choice is now public. Prince George will follow in the footsteps of his father and his uncle, Prince Harry, by integrating Eton College. On June 21, Georges’ parents carried out a visit to the site. The little boy will nevertheless have to wait back to school 2026 to study there. The college is in fact reserved exclusively for older boys from 13 to 18 years old.

Eton College, a prestigious British establishment, extends over 650 hectares, of which 200 are dedicated to sporting activities, a boon for the future king! In addition to the extensive grounds, the campus is home to cafes, manicured gardens and 26 houses where the 1350 students live, carefully selected. As Point de Vue points out in its August 30 edition, artistic disciplines occupy a special place at Eton, where students benefit from state-of-the-art equipment and can learn up to 9 different languages. Each student is also monitored by a personal tutor, guaranteeing individualized academic support.

A college that costs

This level of excellence comes at a cost: a year of study at Eton costs 40,000 euros, or 200,000 euros for the entire course. However, some talented students can benefit from scholarships covering full costs. Eton formed 20 British prime ministers and around a third of its graduates go on to study at Oxford or Cambridge, proof of the exceptional quality of education provided there.

Many members of the royal family also studied at Eton College like the brother of Princess DianaCharles Spencer, or even his father, Edward Spencer.



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