Patrick Pouyanné affirms that TotalEnergies will remain in France and reassures Macron

Patrick Pouyanné affirms that TotalEnergies will remain in France and reassures Macron
Patrick Pouyanné affirms that TotalEnergies will remain in France and reassures Macron
LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of TotalEnergies, explained after telling “Bloomberg” that he was considering a primary listing in New York instead of Paris.


Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of TotalEnergies, explained after telling “Bloomberg” that he was considering a primary listing in New York instead of Paris.

ECONOMY – Patrick Pouyanné sets things straight. Pinned by Emmanuel Macron for having considered moving the main listing of his group from the Paris Stock Exchange to the New York Stock Exchange, the boss of TotalEnergies spoke this Thursday, May 23 in Le Figaro to clarify his remarks.

“Let me clarify things and put some order into this emotional matter: there is no France subject at TotalEnergies. There is no question of leaving France. I never said that TotalEnergies would leave France, or even the Paris Stock Exchange”begins Patrick Pouyanné in this interview, denouncing “rumours”.

These “rumors” had provoked a reaction even from the Head of State, who had said on May 13 that he would not be “ no way ” delighted if the French oil giant decided to move. “ I would be very surprised,” he added, declaring that he was waiting for a “clarification”.

” Translation mistake “

This Thursday, the CEO of TotalEnergies explained that this was a translation error. “A “primary listing” in our mind is not a “primary listing”, it is the listing of the TotalEnergies share, in New York as in Paris”, he replaces. In summary, Patrick Pouyanné says he wants to access a listing format on the New York market that corresponds to classic shares, instead of certificates of deposit which currently limit him in the number of transactions.

TotalEnergies would therefore consider being listed on the New York stock exchange, but the main listing would indeed remain in Paris. And Patrick Pouyanné insists: “I say it again and again: we are not leaving and have never considered leaving. TotalEnergies is a French company, centenary this year, and proud of it! »

By revealing to Bloomberg at the end of April that the group was studying a possible main listing in New York, the CEO who will hold his general meeting on Friday triggered the wrath of the political class. The CEO explained to Bloomberg then to the Senate that Americans buy more shares than Europeans.

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