Murder of his best friend: a middle finger to the family during the verdict

Murder of his best friend: a middle finger to the family during the verdict
Murder of his best friend: a middle finger to the family during the verdict

A Terrebonne man gave the finger to his victim’s loved ones when he was found guilty of killing his best friend over a love triangle; he now faces spending up to 17 years in prison before he can apply for parole.

In addition to his middle finger, accused Simon Décarie made a “slit throat” sign shortly after being found guilty by a jury earlier this month of the unpremeditated murder of his best friend, Maxime Villeneuve .

A special constable from the Saint-Jérôme courthouse who witnessed it described the event this morning as part of observations on Décarie’s sentence.

“We ask you to take these elements into account,” argued the Crown prosecutor, Me Steve D. Fontaine, to Judge Alexandre Boucher.

Décarie automatically received life in prison after the verdict, and the Crown is now demanding that the time he must spend behind bars be set at 17 years before he can apply for parole.

In October 2021, the 29-year-old man shot and stabbed his best friend Maxime Villeneuve several times in his home in Blainville. The 27-year-old victim had just asked for forgiveness by text message from Décarie since he was starting a relationship with his ex, Maïté Hébert.

Not the only time

Décarie created another commotion during his jury trial. During Ms. Hébert’s testimony, he insulted her by saying “whore” under his lips as she was leaving the room.

The jurors had already left, which prevented us from reporting the event. An investigator from the Sûreté du Québec was able to clearly read the word on the lips of Décarie who was in the accused box, he explained this morning to Judge Boucher.

The hearing is currently taking place in front of a room filled with at least thirty relatives of the victim. They all attached a pin to their sweaters which read: “You rest in peace, but my heart was not ready” under a photo of Maxime Villeneuve.

Since the murder of her son, Pascale Roland “has lost the taste for living,” she said while reading an emotional letter.

“My mother’s heart is bleeding. I have to learn to live without him again. My joys as a mother left with him,” she said, unable to hold back her sobs.

The hearing continues in the afternoon at the Saint-Jérôme courthouse.

More details to come…

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