Murders: towards a worrying summer in Montreal? The SPVM’s response

Murders: towards a worrying summer in Montreal? The SPVM’s response
Murders: towards a worrying summer in Montreal? The SPVM’s response

The commander of the Major Crimes Section of the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM), Jean-Sébastien Caron, did not want to answer this question, but admitted that it is a “report worrying and unfortunate.

In an interview on Noovo Info on Wednesday, Mr. Caron maintained that the authorities will continue to apply pressure to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

“We hope to arrive with results,” hopes Mr. Caron. “Three murders in the same event is extremely rare. This happens once a year or every two years in Montreal.”

The latter explains that several efforts have been made to combat gun violence in recent months in the territory, but since then, knife violence seems to have taken over.

The three victims were stabbed to death Monday during a “personal conflict” which degenerated, involving around fifteen individuals in an alley located near Saint-André and Mentana streets.

According to information obtained by Noovo Info, 15-year-old teenager Ahmed Ouilal was behind the first stabbing, possibly against Ulrick Peterson Célestin, 25 years old. The two individuals lost their lives with Alexandre Vatamanu, 23 years old.

How come a 15 year old had such a weapon in his possession?

The SPVM commander simply replied that this is not “necessarily legal”, but that some people still walk around with bladed weapons “to ensure their protection or to commit offenses”.

Mr. Caron explained that the SPVM would be able to provide more details in the coming days.

See it in the video.



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