Suffering from Charcot’s disease, Gilbert Bouchet delivers a touching testimony

Suffering from Charcot’s disease, Gilbert Bouchet delivers a touching testimony
Suffering from Charcot’s disease, Gilbert Bouchet delivers a touching testimony

Senator LR Gilbert Bouchet spoke in the Senate to highlight Charcot’s disease.

Gilbert Bouchet “My last battle to fight is illness”

On October 15, Drôme senator Gilbert Bouchet wanted to testify before the Senate on the care of patients with Charcot’s disease. The latter, also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a neurodegenerative pathology, leading to muscle weakness and then total paralysis.

It was in an electric wheelchair, assisted by a respirator, that Gilbert Bouchet spoke about the condition of the patients. « We absolutely must have more resources, more communication, because it is a disease that can affect everyone. » adding: “ I had to buy the electric wheelchair adapted to my disability myself. ». The Senate decided to vote unanimously on the text proposed by Gilbert Bouchet. in order to reduce the processing time for applications for disability benefits.

Strong emotion in the Senate

The senator’s courageous speech deeply moved his colleagues, transcending political divides. The Minister of Solidarity Paul Christophe expressed his solidarity and his emotion in the face of Gilbert Bouchet’s speech, emphasizing that it was necessary “ act quickly to put an end to a situation that is far from satisfactory “. This speech comes against a backdrop of division within the government on the question of the budget, particularly with regard to the AME.

For this reason, It is difficult at the moment to know whether Gilbert Bouchet’s text will translate into a real desire on the part of the government to help patients suffering from Charcot’s disease..

Also read: Budget 2025: the AME maintained and its budget increased



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