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“He was just going to eat a burger with a friend”: the murder of a 16-year-old teenager upsets Aulnay-sous-

“He was just going to eat a burger with a friend”: the murder of a 16-year-old teenager upsets Aulnay-sous-
“He was just going to eat a burger with a friend”: the murder of a 16-year-old teenager upsets Aulnay-sous-bois

Six minors were presented Monday to an investigating judge as part of the investigation opened for murder by an organized gang and attempted murder by an organized gang and aggravated violence. In this large urban center of 85,000 inhabitants, located northwest of , the tragedy occurred Friday evening in front of an elementary school, in a narrow street lined, among other things, with pavilions.

At the scene of the tragedy, near the “Soleil Levant” bus stop where travelers are waiting, two 11-year-old schoolgirls slow down: “Look, it’s there. Before, we still saw bloodstains and the ribbons of the police investigation», says one of them. The boy died very close to a fast food restaurant, less than a quarter of an hour’s walk from the Jean-Zay high school where he attended school. On the gate of the establishment, a bouquet of white flowers was hung.

“He’s a friend of ours, a 1st STMG student (technology science, management and management series) and a member of the futsal sports association. It’s tragic. We were still with him on Friday”testifies Mohamed (not his real name), 17 years old, with a growing mustache, among young people gathered in front of the high school. “The same evening, we learned that he had been ‘planted’ (stabbed) in front of the fast-food restaurant, when he was just going to eat a burger with his friend who was also ‘planted’ ( and was injured, editor’s note). Afterwards, lots of guys from Aulnay were looking for those who had done that and the police were everywhere».

«The fact that many have knives on them is serious: instead of fighting with their hands, they take them out… The people who did this are unconscious, they want to give themselves a ‘bandit’ look and will regret it in prison», he concludes, approved by his friends. According to a source close to the case, the attack was caused by futile motives: a lack of respect and a “bad” exchange of glances several months ago. The victims and the accused know each other and several go to school in the same establishment.

In addition to the deceased teenager, two others were injured. Speaking anonymously, the manager of the small establishment selling burgers and tacos emphasizes that the murder “of the little» took place “out», «at the bus stop». “Nothing ever happens here. We are a restaurant where families, students and municipal workers come to eat. The employees were in the middle of the evening rush and saw nothing“, he assures.

“Very sinister”

In front of the high school, a police car parks and mobile security teams from the Créteil academy go to meet the students. “Msir, there are surely reprisals brewing“, says a student to a security guard in a black fleece, who retorts: “If you’re not sure about something, don’t talk about it.».

The establishment organized a national tribute on Monday to the two professors murdered in recent years by radicalized Islamists. Bruno Beschizza, the LR mayor of Aulnay-sous- for ten years, spoke to the students on this occasion. “I told them that I had spent two hours yesterday with the kid’s family, that they ask to respect the mourning time and trust in the judicial (system), since the perpetrators are in the hands of justice”he reports to AFP. “The family is not at all on the ‘revenge’ or ‘neighborhood war’ section, I called on the high school students to respect that and not listen to anonymous social networks which would push them to revenge».

Islem, 17, says he saw “several high school girls crying». «The atmosphere is very sinister. A supervisor told us not to walk in groups of ten at recess, like ‘split up’. They’re afraid it’s going to go downhill…

In recent years, several teenagers have been stabbed to death in Seine-Saint-Denis, often linked to neighborhood rivalries. In January, in Saint-Denis, the two fatal attacks — unrelated but occurring on the same day — of a 14-year-old middle school student and an 18-year-old high school student had pushed the municipality to issue an order prohibiting gatherings to avoid “return matches”. Referring to the killed teenager, a 15-year-old student slips, before remaining silent: “I was with him in sports. It’s shocking. Stabbing yourself doesn’t happen».



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