“no country has “won” the war against drug trafficking, not even the most repressive regimes”

“no country has “won” the war against drug trafficking, not even the most repressive regimes”
“no country has “won” the war against drug trafficking, not even the most repressive regimes”

The Senate commission on the state of drug trafficking in France does not frankly address the question of consumers. “So we made a political and methodological choice to respond to the order given to us: that of working on drug trafficking”explained Jérôme Durain (Socialist Party) who led the work of the commission. “Drug trafficking exists because we are in a prohibitionist system, but we can imagine that there would also be drug trafficking in a legalized system”he continued.

“So the question, for example, of legalization does not exhaust the subject of trafficking. And besides, when we talk about legalization, we are talking about the legalization of cannabis. However, when we take an inventory of the narcotics that are consumed in France, we are well beyond this single subject. [Aussi] we do not all agree in the commission on the subject and there are a variety of positions. Some have signed texts in favor of legalization. I am, others are not. The question can be asked. We see the limits of prohibition”reported the socialist senator during the press conference.

In the commission’s press kit, consumption is approached through the prism of prevention. “We must launch a massive communication campaign, targeted at certain audiences: young people, but also certain difficult professions where drug consumption “to keep up” is on a worrying increase, and finally party circles. The motivations and forms being very different for these audiences, it is essential to adapt the discourse to the target audiences and to avoid the pitfall of moralization”believe the senators.



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