From attacker to right side, the challenge of versatility won for Caennaise Lisa Bugna

From attacker to right side, the challenge of versatility won for Caennaise Lisa Bugna
From attacker to right side, the challenge of versatility won for Caennaise Lisa Bugna

Welcome / News / SM / From attacker to right side, the challenge of versatility won for Caennaise Lisa Bugna

D3F. D5 – SM Caen / , Sunday October 13 at 3 p.m. in Venoix

Published on October 8, 2024

Lisa Bugna is one of the best Caen players of her generation, the 2006s. While she tiptoed into the senior team at Stade Malherbe three years ago, the 18-year-old young woman is asserting herself today. today, as a starter within Chloé Charlot’s squad. A status that she owes, in part, to her repositioning from attacker to the right-back position. A rare versatility that suits him well.

Starting three times over the first four days, Lisa Bugna is settling into Clhloé Charlot’s eleven, in the position of… right back. ©SM Caen

Build and train players. Rely on training. The Stade Malherbe women’s project has never left its ranks. From Anaïs Bounouar, the technical manager of the section when it was created, to Chloé Charlot, who took the reins of the first team last season, the ambition has always been to create a link between young people and seniors. Question of philosophy and also of economic means when no player on the squad receives remuneration. Lisa Bugna is the perfect illustration of this. Arrival at the “Rouge et Bleu” in July 2020, a few days after his 14e birthday, she joined the “big ones” in record time. Those who spent a Saturday afternoon at the side of the field observing him among the U16s were not surprised.

Well above average in her age category, the attacker slammed goal after goal and delivered assist after assist. With the profile of a high-level athlete, Lisa Bugna already impressed as a teenager. “The first time I saw her was during an U18 match that I was refereeing”rembobine Hilde Van Herwijnen, now his teammate in D3. “She impressed me with her generosity in her effort and with the ball. She had rare technical qualities for her age”. And not only that. His speed qualities were also talked about. The player, on the other hand, didn’t make the slightest noise. Introverted and shy by nature, it was very rare to hear the sound of his voice.

He is a very introverted person, who had difficulty leaving his family cocoon.

Chloe Charlot

Whether at JS Fleury-sur-Orne, his first club, at the Avant-Garde or at the SMC, everyone had to deal with a closed young girl. “I have known her since she was 10 years old. It was always difficult to know what she was thinking”specifies Chloé Charlot, her trainer. “He is a very introverted person, who had difficulty leaving his family cocoon”. Proof of this is that when she entered high school, Lisa Bugna could have joined the INF Clairefontaine or the Hope Center who had detected a certain talent in her. After several training courses, the young player finally decided to stay in her hometown of Caen, close to her family. “I wasn’t ready to leave my family, it was too soon (she was only 15). It meant a lot to me to see my brothers, my cousins ​​and my parents on the weekends. If I wasn’t good off football, I wasn’t going to be good on the field.”confides the one who discovered football in the playground.

She refused Clairefontaine and the Rennes Hope Center

Protester “some regrets” not having left, playing for Caen allowed her to keep a certain balance. On the other hand, Lisa Bugna remembers complicated beginnings within the senior squad. “I wasn’t playing my football. I was afraid. I was much too shy”. Naturally being one of the youngest, he had to find his bearings. “She was always on top among the youngsters so it was difficult to question herself”analyzes Chloé Charlot. Fortunately, the team gradually opened its arms to him. By working with experienced girls, she also felt supported and supported. Until the first click, about a year ago. “Football helped her to open up. Today, she exchanges, she discusses and speaks on the pitch. She feels good here”continues the Caen coach. “I have the image of a flower that has managed to bloom”metaphor Hilde Van Herwijnen, his partner. On the green rectangle, the young player is now able to analyze and criticize herself. But also to change positions. Broken down to line up a four-man defense in the middle of last season, Chloé Charlot attempted what no one would have dared to imagine. From center forward, Lisa Bugna has been repositioned on the right side. A position she had never held before “although she had already played an eccentric role”underlines the weed technician.

Switching from one line to another is relatively common but crossing the entire terrain is rare. No more aiming for the skylights. From now on, its main mission is to defend. Supporters and his partners saw him in action against in May 2024. “I was no longer as decisive in front of goal so it didn’t bother me. I always liked defending”assumes Lisa Bugna. If Chloé Charlot’s bet surprised a few players in the squad, it seems to have worked, crowned with a 2-1 victory and a retention acquired in D3. “His first performances in this position were well beyond my expectations”.

“She is one of the girls who is capable of stepping on my toes. She tears up all the time”

Hilde Van Herwijnen

Equipped with three lungs, Lisa Bugna is capable of repeating efforts and regularly doubling in the lane with her winger. She always contributes offensively. “The advantage is that she can do both. She plans to bring the extra number but her speed qualities mean she responds well on the back line”deciphers his trainer. Solid in duels, the Caennaise does not give up, even at 18 years old. “She is one of the girls who is capable of stepping on my toes. She tears up all the time”says Hilde Van Herwijnen with great humility. Obviously, not everything can be learned with a snap of the fingers. Some flaws remain to be corrected, particularly on the tactical level. “Even if she can catch up with her opponents on the first two or three meters, she does not manage the space behind her well”explains Chloé Charlot. “She still has work to do to manage depth and manage her emotions. She can be even more impactful”. If she likes this position, offering her a starting place since the start of the season, the main interested party also lets it be known that she misses putting the ball in the back of the net. She can rest assured, the choice of her coach is not prohibitive. “She needs to regain confidence in front of goal, in one-on-one situations. But if I lack an attacker, I will line her up with my eyes closed”. The message got through. It is not excluded to see Lisa Bugna’s name on the scorers’ table this season.

> D3F. J5 – SM Caen (9e – 4 points) / Auxerre (1is – 12 points), Sunday October 13 at 3 p.m. at the Venoix-Claude-Mercier Stadium.




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