ON STAGE WITH Cristiana Reali wanted more than anything to play A Streetcar Named Desire: “I was refused Blanche”

ON STAGE WITH Cristiana Reali wanted more than anything to play A Streetcar Named Desire: “I was refused Blanche”
ON STAGE WITH Cristiana Reali wanted more than anything to play A Streetcar Named Desire: “I was refused Blanche”

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Tattooed Rose, The Glass Menagerie... Cristiana Reali is not her first attempt with the texts of Tennessee Williams which shake, far from it. For a long time, the actress who successfully navigates between theater, cinema and television hoped that she would be given the exciting but also very difficult role of Blanche Dubois. This time has arrived and since January 31, Cristiana Reali has brilliantly embodied it in A Streetcar Named Desireon the stages of Bouffes Parisiens.

The Franco-Brazilian artist had never played in this magnificent theater in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris which occupies a very special place in her heart. Cristiana Reali was very close to Jean-Claude Brialy who was the director of Bouffes Parisiens from 1986 to 2007, the year of his death. Each of the representations ofA Streetcar Named Desire, directed by Pauline Susini, reminds the actress of how lucky she is to play Blanche Dubois. A seemingly fanciful character, Blanche arrives to visit her sister Stella (played by Alysson Paradis) who lives with her husband in a small apartment in New Orleans. Beneath this jovial and light appearance are in reality hidden gray areas and traumas that the spectator discovers crescendo over the course of the piece. Complex subjects and an intensity that Cristiana Reali would not have been able to perform years ago, she realizes today with hindsight.

Cristiana Reali thanks those who refused her the role of Blanche Dubois

I wanted to play Blanche and I was refused Blanche because they told me I was too young… And I didn’t understand. I said ‘No, you have to play the roles at the age they are’. People told me ‘No, it’s not easy, it’s not for you, you’re very young.’ And today I completely understand and I even thank those who refused it to me because I don’t think I could have been so comfortable… I think you have to have experience of actress already“, explains Cristiana Reali in On stage with, the new exclusive Webedia format. The concept ? Meet artists in their theatrical or musical world, discuss with them their current project but also their career and the themes that are essential to them. All with a technical and journalistic device that aims to be mobile.

The Molière for Cristiana Reali in A Streetcar Named Desire

By dint of patience, the roles written by Tennessee Williams passing by, Cristiana Reali ended up landing that of Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire (the play is performed until May 25 at Bouffes Parisiens). A wait that was well worth it since the artist won the Molière for actress last night in a private theater show during the 35th Molières night at the Folies Bergères. Although absent, Cristiana Reali sent a video message to the audience, under the extremely proud eyes of her ex-husband Francis Huster who was present and rewarded that same evening with an honorary Molière.

Exclusive comments which cannot be reproduced without mentioning Purepeople



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