PS senators want a commission of inquiry into the prevention of femicide

PS senators want a commission of inquiry into the prevention of femicide
PS senators want a commission of inquiry into the prevention of femicide

In a press release, the socialist group in the Senate announces that it has contacted the President of the Upper House Gérard Larcher so that he gives the green light to the launch of a commission of inquiry or an information mission on “the prevention of feminicides, sexual offenses and crimes and their recidivism”.

“After the rape and murder of Philippine, the numerous feminicides already committed this year, the daily rapes and sexual assaults, there are many questions. Why was the already convicted suspect released? » asks the second group of the Senate.

The PS parliamentarians continue by assuring that they want to “initiate work of profound transformation in the treatment of sexual and gender-based crimes and offenses”.

A commission of inquiry, a parliamentary mission with broad powers, can be launched at the initiative of a parliamentary group, but also in a transpartisan manner if the Conference of Presidents of the Senate decides to include the request on the agenda of the Upper House. What socialists hope for.



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